Neighborhood Development Center
“Restart Your Business” Loan Fund
Established in 1993, Neighborhood Development Center (NDC) is a nonprofit CDFI that provides training, lending, technical assistance, and business incubation services to help under-resourced entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. NDC focuses on the highest-need neighborhoods of St. Paul and Minneapolis – those with the highest poverty suffered mostly by people of color. In 2019, NDC served 800 entrepreneurs, of which 97% were minorities, 82% made below 50% of area median income, and 53% were women.
Venn’s PRI is helping NDC launch a one-time “Restart Your Business” Loan Fund in order to quickly assist NDC’s existing entrepreneurs with reopening in the wake of the initial COVID-19 shutdown as well as the unrest following the killing of George Floyd. For every dollar raised on the Venn PRI, another dollar will be granted into the fund from another source, which will allow the fund to make extra concessionary and catalytic loans to NDC’s entrepreneurs during an especially challenging business climate.
Recipient Name: Neighborhood Development Center
Corporate Form: Nonprofit 501(c)3
Investment Sought: $80,000 - $500,000
Raised to Date: $335,458
Overview of Investment Terms:
Unsecured, subordinate loan
Annual simple interest of 0.5%
Years 1-4: Annual interest-only payments
Year 5: Two balloon payments of principal and interest
Conditional forgiveness:
-) Up to 25% principal forgiveness based on actual negative return performance of the Fund’s loans
-) 5% principal forgiveness incentive if NDC pays all interest and 95% of principal on time